Startup Business of New Entrepreneur and Services to SMEs
An entrepreneur launches a startup, or a start-up, as a business or project to find, create, and test a scalable economic model. Although self-employment and enterprises with no intention of registering are included in the definition of entrepreneurship, startups are defined as new businesses with the intention of expanding beyond their single founder. A small percentage of businesses go on to become prosperous and significant, but most confront significant uncertainty at first and have high failure rates. We are here to help aspiring business owners launch and grow their ventures successfully. Bangladesh’s national economy is based primarily on SMEs. This industry is crucial to the growth of our nation’s economy. The country’s effort to reduce poverty has benefited greatly from the involvement of the SMEs sector. With far less investment, the SME sector may offer enormous employment potential. Our advising services are accessible to SMEs based on your company’s needs and growth stage.
- Free Training and Advisory Services
- Preparation of Business Model on a Basic Business Idea
- Feasibility Study and Startup Business Valuation
- Inland/Foreign Funding
- Access to Venture Capital Investment Companies and to Angel Investors
- Advisory for Getting Government, Inland/Foreign Grant
- Consultancy for Obtaining Lower/Zero-Intertest Loan
- Financing from Banks/NBFIs
- Strategy Development
- Product or Service Development
- Support to Marketing, Branding, Sales
- Customer Services